
Our class is using the Math in Focus program to develop our third grade math skills in the following areas: numbers and operations; geometry and measurement; functions and algebra; and data, statistics, and probability.

Here are some ways you can help improve your child's math skills at home:
     -  Study addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts nightly
     -  Pose mathematical questions and problems whenever they arise
     -  Ask your child what he/she is studying in math
     -  Note that while multiple strategies are regularly taught in class, any strategy is acceptable
     -  Reach out to you child's teacher with any questions

Class Math News

We are currently in Chapter 19 of our program.  Students are studying area and perimeter.  They have learned that area is a measure of space inside an object, while perimeter is the measurement of the distance around an object.  These two terms are easy to mix up, so please review them at home regularly.