Students are expected to follow our classroom rules, which are designed to create a safe and comfortable learning environment for all students. A clip chart is used to provide warning, give positive feedback, and track student behavior. Thank you in advance for review the following expectations with your child and encouraging excellent school behavior:
1. Use appropriate voice levels.
2. Use kind words.
3. Use and clean up materials appropriately.
4. Follow directions the first time.
5. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Homework is given Monday through Thursday. An agenda book is provided for students to keep track of assignments. Any work not returned on time will be completed during recess. Students should also come prepared to Unified Arts classes, bringing their library books to Media Center on alternating Mondays and sneakers to Physical Education on Wednesdays. Until further notice, students are expected to be practicing recorder skills regularly, and coming to Music class prepared each Tuesday (with recorder and music).
I would like to thank all of my students' families in advance for their support of a structured learning environment and encouragement of student responsibility.
I would like to thank all of my students' families in advance for their support of a structured learning environment and encouragement of student responsibility.